The other day I was walking by the share table in the Command Group and noticed a new package of some type of munchie. The package was yellow, resealable, and had the appearance it may be some type of beef jerky. Naturally, I reached for it. To my dismay and horror, I realized it was a package of Snausages. Really? Snausages? Dog snacks? Should I have been salivating because they were "beef and cheese flavor"? And does a dog care what beef and cheese really tastes like? After all, dogs are known to eat vomit and shit just as quickly as they'll eat a piece of bacon slipped under the table. But I digress. Snausages! WTF? I'm reminded of the urban legend often propogated by liberal, left-wing nut jobs in D.C. around election time that claims Seniors are eating pet food because they can't afford human food. Really? Last time I looked cans of tuna were cheaper than cans of 9-Lives. Damn, I digress once again. Who in the world thought that we are so hard up here that we'll even eat dog treats? You shouldn't have! Really, you shouldn't have. Further research on my part revealed that the "Scoobie Snacks" came in a generic care package from a church group (meaning a whole bunch of Snausages were mailed to Iraq and Afghanistan) and the box had not one, not two, but THREE packages. One just happened to end up in the Command Group. And let me dispel the theory that my mentioning of SFC Butch inspired this. We received the box of Fido bones about the exact same time I met Butch so I hadn't even written about him yet. Nope, this was either a cruel joke or a failure of the quality control back at the care package assembly line. Either way, pay attention to what you are sending. My Battalion HHC might call themselves the "Mad Dawgs" but that doesn't mean they eat dog treats.
We still love care packages. The end is near in Iraq. We'll be out of here by the end of the year. As we conduct our responsible retrograde the services available to us diminish. This includes the PX we've come so used to having nearby. With that in mind, your care packages will take on extra importance in the last few months. Just no dog treats ok? Next time you talk with your Soldier find out what you should be mailing. Don't get creative. Just get your Soldier's list and go check it off. I doubt very seriously Joe will ask for Snausages. Keep it simple, keep it in line with what we need, and keep us happy.
Thank for bringing a laugh, it was much needed!