"A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main
problem." - Albert Einstein

Joe's canvas is the wide open space of a port-o-jon or a latrine stall. Give Joe a few minutes on the throne and he'll give you philosophy, politics, religion, psychology, artwork, love advice, Chuck Norris and unit pride. I've fondly chronicled the latrine wall talents of Joe for years. During my last deployment it was an almost passionate search. For some

reason the walls and port-o-jons have been strangely devoid on this deployment. There are less of the portable variety and the latrine trailers are cleaned diligently by the TCNs at least twice a day. I was beginning to believe my quest for Joe wisdom would be in vain this time around. Then, by chance, I happened to be in the vicinity of a different LSA and had to answer a nature call. Ah to my wondering eyes did appear the gold for which I had searched. The stall I selected was a masterpiece. Joe has evolved to something practical (perhaps in recognition the end in Iraq is near?). The latrine has become more than just a muse or sounding board for Joe. It has now become the classroom for complex algebra and beginning calculus. My degree in Aerospace Engineering was put to the test as I took care of business. Joe is now the mathmatician and his lessons have developed a healthy debate. Is it possible that a young Einstein also developed his passion for math while performing a number two in a water closet sometime back in the late nineteenth century? I'll leave that question for Joe next time I'm visiting this particular latrine.
What struck me as c

urious about all this is that although there was some of the usual Joe artwork, the stalls seemed devoted to math. I have seen Joe's handiwork in latrines from east to west coast, Germany, Italy, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, and other places. This is the first time I've seen math graffiti. The math was challenging enough for me to actually pull out my notepad and copy some of it down. We all need to dust off our math hats every now and then. Joe challenged me enough to put mine back on. One of these days Joe is going to walk back into that latrine to find himself challenged by a new complex problem. Let's see if Joe can solve the heat equation! Oh who am I kidding? Of course he can. Joe knows all.
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